Hazard A Little Death
By Sara Fellini
Produced first at the Cabrini Theater and then at the Paradise Factory
Two burned lovers re-ignite a tense and charged affair that conjures up the spirits of the past. An eccentric Résistance fighter, a searingly hopeful widow, and a spurned and unrequited lover resurrect to smoke their cigarettes once more while a time bomb ticks away between the two former flames. A nondescript café that exists in every era serves as the backdrop to the events onstage, as multiple generations simultaneously re-live the greatest loves and losses of their lives. History turns back over itself, a perne in a gyre, and the lines between our ancestors and ourselves blur as love and fear stand the test of time and circumstance.
Directed by Isaac Byrne
Sara Fellini
Adam Belvo
Kaitlin Emery
Cait Murphy
Antonio Thompson
Linnea Larsodotter (at Cabrini) and Mary Anne Wright (at Paradise Factory)

Hazard a Little Death was nominated for 4 Planet Connection awards:
Best New Play *WINNER
Best Actor in a Lead Role—Adam Belvo *WINNER
Best Actress in a Lead Role—Sara Fellini *WINNER
Best Actor in a Featured Role—Antonio Thompson