Kiss It, Make it Better

By Erika Phoebus

In a small, repressed town in the rural Midwest, two childhood friends play on the outskirts of town. Life back in town finds them crippled by trauma and shackled by cycles of silence and shame, forcing them to run away. Suddenly they are left to fend for each other amidst their crumbling fantasies, and their crumbling innocence, begging the question - when does the love they have stop healing and start reopening their wounds.

​Directed by Isaac Byrne

Cast: Brian Miskell, Erika Phoebus, Chris Cornwell, Amy Higgs, Will Van Moss, Tom Walsh

Scenic and Lighting Design—Joshua Rose, Costume Design—Katja Andreiev, Music and Sound Design—Andy Evan Cohen, Projections Design—Max Bowman



Press Quotes


“Raw and poetic, the play falls upon you as a tsunami of engrossing pain, untamed passion, and tenderness...a spectacular show....bold and innovative...performances that gave me goose bumps at times...exquisite production”

— New Show New York


“A delightful and authentic coming-of-age story...Kiss it, Make it Better will certainly be a hit with teenage audiences”

— Stage Buddy

“Phoebus displays an impressive range of emotion and physicality, alternately brazen and fragile...Miskell is a mess of boyish awkwardness and sputtering emotional volatility...touching, intimate moments…It’s hard not to be moved by the tragedy of these drowning teens clinging to each other like deflating life preservers.”

— New York Theatre Review


Kiss It, Make It Better is a very good play…impressive…clever”

— Woman Around Town